Music Scholarships at Red Dirt Music Academy
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group performance

The Red Dirt Music Foundation has been launched and is now offering scholarships for music lessons. Red Dirt Music Foundation was established by Cory Moon, the Director of Red Dirt Music Academy. Red Dirt Music Foundation’s mission is to bring music instruction to students in Oklahoma City who would otherwise not be able to afford lessons. Scholarships will be honored by the highly qualified instructors at Red Dirt Music Academy.  Now is the perfect time to give to this great cause or sign up for a scholarship!

There are two great options for giving; one-time donations or recurring donations. One-time donations can be taken in most conventional ways: check, credit card, cash, Venmo, etc. A donation receipt will be given to those who give a one-time donation. Recurring giving can be set to whatever amount you would like. You can give as little as $5 per month or as much as you like, we can take it at any time of the month you would like. Recurring payments can be canceled anytime. The staff at Red Dirt Music Academy will be happy to help you with your donation

Applications for scholarships can be processed here. The application will ask some general questions like names, contact info, an instrument of choice, and a few questions about the family’s financial status. Applications will be approved by the board of the foundation.

The Red Dirt Music Foundation has been in the works for some time and we are so excited to serve the community with its work.